Bigger Windows
Design tip of the week: You can make a small window look bigger by following these tricks of the trade-Hang the curtain rod at or near the ceiling and use side panels that go down to the floor, this extends the eye from the ceiling to floor and makes the window appear taller. Vertical stripes will also make the window appear taller. If you want to make your window look wider, again hang the curtain rod at or near the ceiling but this time purchase a rod that is 60-80%wider than the window and use floor length side panels. Horizontal stripes can help stretch the appearance of a narrow window. #garymarcdesigns #garymarc #gmd #bellmore #longisland#newyork #ny #florida #fl #interiordesign #interiordesigner #curtains#curtainrod #sidepanel #ceiling #verticalstripes #horizontalstripes #window#narrowwindow #smallertobigger